Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
Jordan, I feel your pain! Have you discussed this hum issue with Israel? When I first got my CSL, I had hum problems when I engaged the mute switch. As you know, muting prior to turning things off is recommended. It turns out that the CSL has a "very clever" grounding scheme, which can be very quiet but it turns out there are some grounding schemes in other equipment that can result in a hum with the CSL. In my case, Israel helped diagnose the offending equipment as my Cary mono blocks and offered to rewire the CSL to avoid this problem. The other option was simply to not use the mute switch, which is what I elected to do.

I think it is worth talking to Israel. He can probably help you figure out what is wrong and perhaps provide some options about what to do about it.
Hey Brownsfan...yes, I encountered the same issue with the mute switch, but only if I was running balanced (I think...been awhile since I talked to IB). I elected to do nothing and not use the mute at the time. I should talk to him and find out if he has any ideas.

With the Audion's gain turned down so that I'm using much of the gain of CSL (i.e. vol knobs 1 - 3 clicks from max), the hum/buzz is completely inaudible from the listening seat. With the higher, non-adjustable gain of the Valvets, I have no option to reduce the noise/hum.

When I ran all balanced systems, I rarely was aware of any noise/hum in my system. The frustrating thing is right now, even running all balanced from Luxman DAC to CSL to Valvets, I get this hum/buzz. If I run balanced or SE from Luxman to Valvets directly (bypassing the CSL), no noise at all, yet the Jensen trouble-shooting guide suggests it is due "inductively coupled noise".
I seconded the idea to call Israel, this is a strange problem as silence is a strength of the CSL. Pap says the CSL was dead quiet with his Soulution 710 amplifier ((just to mentioned another example of a SS ammp match). Maybe it's the Valvet that "could" be uniquely incompatible with the CSL. Did you have any problems when connected to the Frankenstein? I think this is a solvable issue.
Jordan, You have superb equipment, and zero noise should be the expectation. If I were starting from scratch, knowing what I know now, I'd put together an all coincident system paired with my modwright sony (or an oppo) and be done. But I'm not starting from scratch, and I'm not kicking my Maggies to the curb, so the goal (and part of the fun) is making everything I have sing in harmony. Sadly, I really can't drive my Maggies with Franks.

Please let us know what sort of help Israel can offer on this. His customer base for the CSL really should explode, but he has to effectively serve the mix and match market to make that happen.
Charles - it is/was present with the Franks, Atma's, and Audions, though amplifier gain affected the ratio of signal to noise and hence how obtrustive it was. With the Audions I can eliminate it with low gain.

I am not certain that the CSL is the cause or contributor. It does not increase or decrease with CSL volume pot position, only power amp gain. Following the Jensen trouble-shooting guide, I'm left with:

the noise is coupling into to the cable by induction. This is most often caused by a
strong magnetic field near the cable. Such magnetic fields are produced by power wiring,
power transformers, and TV or computer CRT displays. Electrostatic coupling is also
possible, but rare in a cable which has a grounded outer shield. Route all signal cables to
avoid such strong fields.

In response to this discovery last year, I first tried a different cable (no difference), then I tried routing the cables completely away from any power cords or transformers...still no improvement. The only power line close to the cable is the PS cable for the CSL and that's DC. I eventually just lowered the gain on the Audions.