Jordan, I feel your pain! Have you discussed this hum issue with Israel? When I first got my CSL, I had hum problems when I engaged the mute switch. As you know, muting prior to turning things off is recommended. It turns out that the CSL has a "very clever" grounding scheme, which can be very quiet but it turns out there are some grounding schemes in other equipment that can result in a hum with the CSL. In my case, Israel helped diagnose the offending equipment as my Cary mono blocks and offered to rewire the CSL to avoid this problem. The other option was simply to not use the mute switch, which is what I elected to do.
I think it is worth talking to Israel. He can probably help you figure out what is wrong and perhaps provide some options about what to do about it.
I think it is worth talking to Israel. He can probably help you figure out what is wrong and perhaps provide some options about what to do about it.