The best preamp for Rouge M-180

I have tested some preamps with my M-180, but I have never been 100% pleased with anyone. Dows anyone have some recommendations? I will prefer one with balanced out. This because I have a balanced cable I will use.
I came a cross an Ayre k1xe. I know that this is a transistor preamp, but anyway, how will this handle the M-180?
Sorry my bad english.
I don't see any reason it might not be a good match. Usually SS preamps have lower output impedance, which is a good thing in terms of matching with amps (you want at least 10x less than the amps input impedance across the frequency spectrum).

I'd check that the impedance matches. But then it will likely be a matter of personal taste.
After a while I found a nice match. Pass Labs AX-10. Balanced and completely silent in use like my m-180. Exceptional soundstage and resolving the way i want. Jaw dropping experience. Wolder if Pass Labs amps also are that good.??? or sould I test out Bryston 3b sst2?