The best preamp for Rouge M-180

I have tested some preamps with my M-180, but I have never been 100% pleased with anyone. Dows anyone have some recommendations? I will prefer one with balanced out. This because I have a balanced cable I will use.
After a while I found a nice match. Pass Labs AX-10. Balanced and completely silent in use like my m-180. Exceptional soundstage and resolving the way i want. Jaw dropping experience. Wolder if Pass Labs amps also are that good.??? or sould I test out Bryston 3b sst2?
Nr9 hi,

If you you can use low capacitance rca interconnects (which most good ones are) the Rogue M120 and the M180 are perfect to be used with passive preamps.
As they have very high input impedance (at 1 meg ohm), so there's no need for active output stages or buffers, and they also have very high gain, so there's no need for active preamps with gain either.

So if you want to hear your source in the most dynamic, transparent way, go passive preamp with these.

Or if your not happy with the way your source sounds and want to change the sound character of it with different active preamps, (as they all have different sound colourations) then go with active preamp.

Cheers George

I've heard neither brand of the amps you are contemplating, but of the two my curiosity would take me in the Pass Labs direction, that is, if I were considering solid state.

