I am just so worried about weak bass with tube gear, hence the confusion about using "all tube set up" but i havent heard VAC enough or lived with them - infact i've only heard their preamp, i listen to a lot of weighty stuff (but not techno or anything like that) - lots of film scores which have everything interwovenIf you are referring to deep bass extension, I'd be more concerned about the speakers than the amplifier. My impression is that the Orangutan is the only one of the speakers mentioned which will extend significantly into the bottom octave.
You might also want to consider the Daedalus Ulysses, which is rated to 28 Hz, and which several members here, myself included, have paired with VAC amplification with excellent results. It costs a few thousand dollars more than the Orangutan, but its 98 db efficiency means that you most likely wouldn't need anything near the 100W power capability of the Phi 200, and you could consider purchasing one of the older and lower powered Renaissance series 300B-based amplifiers used, at far lower cost. I'd feel certain that those amplifiers would also do fine with the Orangutan. Search posts by Audiogon member "Raquel" for lots of good info on the Renaissance amplifiers.
Best of luck, however you decide to proceed.
-- Al