How big of a difference do amps make?

There are probably plenty of threads on this subject so dont be looking for those who went from ss to tube amps.
Current system:
Thor TA-1000
Merlin TSM-MMM
H/K Citation 16
cheap cdp
Im looking to upgrade amps to Thor 30's with maybe Marantz 8004 cdp.
Just curious what to expect... Thanks Jayson

I have no axe to grind on either side of this argument. Who am I to say what someone else should prefer? Just appreciate someone standing against peer pressure.

The point I eluded to was that the ears hear but the brain interprets. It's a filter and it's called psyco-acoustics. For example, if a vocal frequency range is diminished in comparison to instruments, that can just as easily have the illusion of more distance or depth. For stereo, psyco-acoustics are fundamental. Nothing to do with tubes versus transistors intrisically.

In the projects I've done, like comparing Bessel to L-R filters, it's much more of a trick to disassociate the interpretation to identify an actual distortion or frequency response or whatever. Still not good at it.

Apologies for getting off track.
In my case, expensive speaker(Caravelles 4500.00) with less expensive amp(Jolida 102-B 450.00) sounded MUCH better, than Expensive Amp(Conrad Johnson MF-2500-A 3600.00?) less expensive speaker (Paradigm Studio 100 v2(1800.00?) Having said that the combo of expensive amp CJ MF-2500-A and expensive speakers Caravelles sounded heavenly! Wish I still had that amp,,,,will someone please send me one! I will pay you back when I get a full time job!!!Thank you in advance
We are now into 'spacetime'. Can Quantum Mechanics be far behind. In quantun mechanics, an amp can be good, bad, bright, dull, have a wide sound stage, narrow sound stage, low noise, high noise, even be in everyone's system, all at the same time!! That would mean everyone is correct, no matter what they say or when or where they say it. And just think, all this just to listen to someone like Ms Krall on an LP playing thru a tube amp!!!
Up to this seems MOST agree that:
-speaker/amp synergy is very important
-amp change WILL make difference

the reason i started this post is because I personally have only owned one amp. The Citation. I have never compared other amps A/B and Houston does not have many
options in hifi stores.
I understand tubes vs ss is all relative to system components. One not BETTER than other.

Hi Ngjockey,
No peer pressure here,just people expressing personal experiences. Liz`s statement about 'tube coloration'
is fine, just recognize that solid state has its own colorations also.
In fact name any audio component thay lacks coloration, there is`nt one.