How big of a difference do amps make?

There are probably plenty of threads on this subject so dont be looking for those who went from ss to tube amps.
Current system:
Thor TA-1000
Merlin TSM-MMM
H/K Citation 16
cheap cdp
Im looking to upgrade amps to Thor 30's with maybe Marantz 8004 cdp.
Just curious what to expect... Thanks Jayson
Interesting observation Mbovaird: "Huge difference. Going from SS to tube is great if you have very efficient speakers. Otherwise, you will become frustrated quickly."

I had the opposite experience. Switching from a 350w/ch Levinson 336 to a 100 w/ch tube amp was an audio revelation - certainly not a frustration!

In fact, in the case of my current tube amps, I learned that those 100 tube watts completely/totally belied their capability. The amps/watts simply trounced the Levinson & Parasound Halo 400w/ch monoblocks across the audio spectrum, including the bass & control of my M1 Soundlab full-range stats.
I`ve heard that happen with some systems also, it depends on the particular speaker being driven.I `d bet your tube amplifiers have very good quality transformers and a stout power supply. Numbers and specifications on a sheet of paper don`t tell the entire story.
Yes Charles1dad, my former amps with the 100 Watt/Ch. output were greatly underrated in terms of power output.

Moreover, they didn't fit the "tubey" sound attributed to tubes that is assumed by some.

Sonically, these push-pull behemoths resemble SET amps much more than do the former. If fact, they are the most SET sounding -- but able to virtually drive anything -- amps that I have ever encountered. But then again, there goes another stereotype.

They were CAT (Convergent Audio Technology) JL1 monoblocks.

My present CAT's are the JL3's. And although rated at 150 watts/Ch. they utilize a similar (if not the same) extremely high quality transformer as my former JL1's -- compared to most other transformers, robust would be an understatement!

So, as with most things in this hobby (and life in general) generalizations about amp types, DAC types, cable types, Turntable types, etc., are just that, generalizations -- applicable in some cases, but definitely NOT in all, or even in most. The trick is to trial enough equipment and learn enough to dispel the generalizations.

Variables between component types abound. And while the term synergy is perhaps used too much, some components do indeed synergize and others don't, regardless of the types or prices etc. This is why I frequent forums such as this? To obtain differing opinions, some of which may fly in the face of common beliefs (read generalizations).

Before dragging home my first pair of 400 pound CAT JL1's, I too wasn't certain that they (at 100Watts/Ch.) would drive my Soundlabs. Nor was I certain that they would do so with the nuanced manner and authority that I had become accustomed. But man, I was wrong! My initial thoughts/beliefs/generalizations were proven quite incorrect and my effort was more than rewarded! Probably the best find that I ever made in this hobby. That's why so many of us recommend that one must try/listen, try/listen and try/listen some more! It's the reason I attended RMAF this year.

Although CAT is rarely found mentioned in the mainstream audio media, or at shows, lots of praise can be found for CAT preamps; so much so, that CAT amps are oftentimes overlooked. But my experience with a difficult-to-drive speaker, suggests that amps -- and CAT in particular -- do make a huge difference!
Very nice post and well expressed thoughts.Nothing substitutes for actually listening and judging for your self.Our ears are such a vital gift if we would just trust them.I`ve heard the CAT power amplifier, I`m not surprised it replaced your M.Levinson amp.