Sorry I mis understood your question. My personal opinion on the MC402 I presently own is that of improvement over the MC352 I traded for it, ans assume the MC452 will add even more. I feel that the McIntosh amps with autoformers have characteristics that bring a "tube like warmth" without the tube pace. They deliver a detail without being overly analytical or sterile sounding. They deliver a speed of transient without over exaggeration or harshing of the sound, yet keeping the emotion in place. I tend to close my eyes and mentally meld into the music on some tracks.They have a depth of bass delivery that maintains a control and keeping the tighness of the bass passage without 'muddiness' I have found in other amps. They deliver a mid and high that carry the natural timbre of the music they are reproducing. But that said I can't rest all of what I hear on the amp. The associated equipment play an active part as well. I use cardas Golden Reference cables, I am driving Revel Performa F32's, my Pre is a Audio Research LS26 with BAT tubes. The sources are Ayre C5xe-mp and LP12 with Kleos cart and Linto phono stage. I noticed that the bass tightened up when I added a Running Springs Jaco. I felt that the highs fell back in line when I added a Cardas Golden Ref power cord and took away the Harmonic Tech cable. So how much of this is the amp, I really don't know that I will ever know for sure. So to sum up in a few words what I think of a the McIntosh autoformer equipped amp sound, I say "warm, accurate, musically emotionally involving" and making you forget that
you have the system and just hearing the recording. One fianl note as I point out the autoformers, the non autoformer amps have a much different more analytical less emotional sound. I have had and still do have these in multi channel versions.
All my biased opinion of course.
you have the system and just hearing the recording. One fianl note as I point out the autoformers, the non autoformer amps have a much different more analytical less emotional sound. I have had and still do have these in multi channel versions.
All my biased opinion of course.