Ayre K5xe vs BAT Pre

So I am about to pick up my first BAT product, a VK-500. I am currently using an Ayre C5xeMP to Ayre K5xe to VK-500 to Magnepan 1.6. My question is would it be a positive move I get a BAT pre instead of the Ayre. I don't know a ton about the BAT pre line but would think that the Ayre would be more detailed. Would the imagining improve with say a BAT 32se? I know it's all about synergy but is bat suppose to be a higher level product in comparison to Ayre? Thanks
Both brands are excellent. I've had pieces from each one and I prefer Ayre. I don't see myself switching to any other brand. Looking at your system, I feel your weakest component is your 1.6's. I had a pair of them for about a year. Felt that they are very overrated. You won't see the full potential of your other components with the 1.6's in your system.
I moved from Ayre to BAT system and have been very happy with the change. Started with the BAT VK-31se and then went to the Ayre K-1xe. It was nice but could not match the midrange or bass of the bat. Then went on to the BAT VK-42se (ss) preamp. better than either of the others and very underrated preamp. Also owned phonostage from both, and the V-1xe amp from ayre. I would match a BAT preamp with your amp. Now own all REX system.
Thanks, so just like all equipment it seems to be more personal preference than one being better. As for the Maggie's, I have heard quite a few Wilson, B&W, and Revel systems and always felt the Maggie's were more emotionally involving.