today i got my new Focal Electra 1038BE ,help

oday i got my brand new Focal Electra 1038BE , need some help for the rest of the system

later i will add the Electra center and rear
sub , i don't know if to buy the electra also or something else


Multi channel amp and pre processor

until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card

i'm new to the high end sound
until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card
i don't even now what is DAC and how to get good sources

because i want to use the system for HT and also for stereo music
i need Multi channel amp and pre processor , right?

Classe' SSP-800 , what are their price? i think they are too expensive
i need to invest more money on the rest of the Electra system

red that the 1038 BE
are very clear and pure sound
need very good amp

can you recommend amp that match?

i have tech question:
usually i hear full detail when i listen in high volume
but i don't have dedicate isolated sound room that i can listen without interrupt to other people around.

there is a way to enjoy music without high volume?
maybe specific Amp better then other for that
or my big speakers can't do that anyway?

(hope you understand my poor english)

this model can be good enough for pre ?
Hi Pelo,

I would go with Class A Pass Labs or Class A Accuphase.

Good luck!

Take care,

Kzhtoo and Aaronknock

budget can be strach in order to get compete and satisfide system.

XA60.5 , i know it's Mono , i got good deal for pair of them
i thought about XA60.5 only because i'm afraid the XA30.5 will to weak (30w only)

a lot of 1038 BE owner love the Simaudio integrated 600i and 700i , this is the model you heared and didn't liked?

i have stupid quastion:
if i'm buying DAC that come also with PRE , why i need to buy also seperate PRE ?

what model do you recommend to buy?
i like the NAD DAC (only the design)

speakers and interconct:
what brand to buy?
Hi Pelo,

The XA60.5 is a great amp. Go for it.

Go for Neotech speaker cable and interconnect.
Hi Pelo,
If you have the budget, then go for XA60.5 (but I'm pretty sure XA30.5 is enough for your 93db 8ohm speakers). You cannot go wrong with Pass XA.5 series.

No, if you have a DAC with volume control, you don't need a pre (using a pre is YMMV. I personally prefer with a pre). But you should look for a DAC with analog volume control instead of a digital one.

NAD M51 DAC ($2k) is a good choice.

If $$ not a concern, this is what I'd like for your system.
1038 Be speakers
Pass XA60.5 amp
Pass XP-10 pre
Audio Research DAC8 (or NAD M51)
Empirical Audio Off-ramp USB to coaxial converter (reclocker/ de-jitterer)
Mac Mini with flash drive and power supply upgrade (Amarra or Pure Music software)
Grover Huffman ICs, digital cable, speaker cables and power cords
Sounds good, Kzhtoo. However, I would go with the Audio Research over the NAD.