mapleshade ic's...

Does anybody have experience with these...from a simplistic view and everything I have ever read about cable designs and bs....they might get a big "who knew"...just might be the real deal.
About half a year a go or so Pierre was on Capitol Hill lobbying for Congress to keep the A-10 Warthog and F-16 jet in service since both the pilots and the military love them. He was the lead engineer on both of them. He has the credentials and a love of audio so he does have something to add to our hobby.

All the best,
USAF brass has always hated the A-10.
One they have no real interest in supporting infantry, low and slow is dangerous.
Two -the A-10 just doesn't cost enough to make sure brass retirement "jobs" in defense-complex are fully funded.
In RVN the thing that brought joy to an infantrymans heart was a prop A-1 Skyraider coming in at a hundred feet flown by a South Viet pilot.

The South Viet pilots were skilled and VERY brave , would come out in any weather and attack like tigers.We still owe them .
Well, the brass might hate it but the pilots love it. It can take more fire than the average ground attack craft and deliver the goods (funny how we call arms 'goods').

All the best,
It's a different threat gestalt now than fifty years ago. Pilotless planes are cheaper and less risky.