12-11-12: Willland
I am not sure if this is exactly what you are referring to ....
technically, a "direct digital amplifier" is a class-D amplifier that can accept, at its inputs, a digital pulse code modulated (PCM) data stream. Accepting a (digital) PCM data stream (which is the digital music stream) rather than accepting an analog version of the music stream is the real innovation of "direct digital amplifiers". Hence the "direct" in the name - you can directly connect the digital output of your computer or CD transport to this sort of amplifier & it will drive your loudspeakers. Internal to the direct digital amplifier, the PCM data stream is kept digital all the way & it is finally converted to analog at the output of the class-D output stage by the analog reconstruction filter/low-pass filter just before it drives the loudspeaker. The amplifier is still a class-D amplifier.
Today's class-D amplifiers accept an analog version (digital data converted to analog with an on-board or out-board DAC) of the music stream. The class-D amp converts this to a digital pulse wave modulated (PWM) signal & this is once again converted to analog by the reconstruction filter/low-pass filter just before it drives the loudspeaker.
Direct digital amplifiers do away with the initial conversion of the digital music stream to analog.
And, yes, like OP indicated, there are few direct digital amplifier products in the market today.
Hope that this helps some.