Mc Intosh vs other brands

I read a thread recently that a guy was looking for an amp for his Magico speakers. He said he tried out a Mc Intosh amp, Audio Research, Pass and Spectral. He said that the Mc Intosh sounded slow and muddy compared to the others. He went on to say that Mc Intosh is behind the times and is just living on their reputation.
I've been reading lately that some of their newer designs are a departure from the past and are not slow and muddy. It may just be the particular amp he tried was one of the older designs. I think it would be foolish for McIntosh to completely depart from some of the old designs because so many people like them. I'm just guessing but I think Mac has two house sounds now. The old one and the new one. The new one's much faster.
And we should care about something an unidentified person said in an internet forum? Especially when it lacks any specificity.