Mc Intosh vs other brands

I read a thread recently that a guy was looking for an amp for his Magico speakers. He said he tried out a Mc Intosh amp, Audio Research, Pass and Spectral. He said that the Mc Intosh sounded slow and muddy compared to the others. He went on to say that Mc Intosh is behind the times and is just living on their reputation.
You need to get out and listen rather than reading opinions of others. I see that this is your third thread in the amp/preamp forum regarding McIntosh products with a similiar theme. Just as Tpreaves asked, what is your point?
I've read the other posts Smatsui refers to...
Taters, what's up with you and McIntosh?
The very latest McIntosh amps are extremely nice. I think for several years they were kind of like the "Cadillac" of amps, and not in a good way. Over-priced, bloated and not competitive with the very best. They were the gold-standard in the 70s and 80s perhaps.

However, I have recently listened to many of their latest amps and while I won't buy a McIntosh (still over-priced, in general) the sound is very nice. The construction has always been top-notch also. My local dealer doesn't sell very much McIntosh anymore because the reputation (he says) has taken a beating. But we both agree that these are again some of the best amps going.

I really believe we are in a golden age of amp design and the quality of what's available is truly remarkable, from just 10 years ago. Go listen.
Why you don't take some time to do your homework and trust your ears feedback!
I assure you that at the end the invested time will be worthier than following forums on and on.... Just people opinions based on their perception doesn't mean yours it has to be the same.

This hobby is very subjective and following brands will take you nowhere!

Your post have my 2 cents.
agree - if your expectations are based on others perceptions - then you will always end up on the road to disappointment.

Take the time to do your own homework and trust your ears.