Mc Intosh vs other brands

I read a thread recently that a guy was looking for an amp for his Magico speakers. He said he tried out a Mc Intosh amp, Audio Research, Pass and Spectral. He said that the Mc Intosh sounded slow and muddy compared to the others. He went on to say that Mc Intosh is behind the times and is just living on their reputation.
Paul, The McIntosh lost out a long time ago. The golden age happened in the 70's. Some of the best amps in existence were built then. Just about Everything on the market today is a result of the design breakthroughs that occurred back then. are probably correct. I am just so impressed when I get to listen to a high-quality system. Be it McIntosh, Cary, Carver, MBL or even some of the Chinese brands (Audio Space, Antique Sound) I am blown away. My point was the design quality is so great, people should just go listen and let their ears guide them.
Your statement makes no sense, and I wonder what you even know about how sounded then let alone now.
I think the "golden age" is now since well designed new stuff sounds a LOT better than most older designs, and is generally much less expensive now relative to quality...and I do remember the 70's gear well.
I guess it all depends on how you look at it, Wolf. Imo, the 70's were the heyday. Lots of hi end shops, buzz and excitement. HI-FI going mainstream with the majority of the baby boomers coming of age. I have a pair of Meridian 105 monos that would spank lots of new gear out there, including McIntosh. Incidentally Roxy, it was against a McIntosh I decided in favor of the Meridians in 1978. Don't remember the model but it sounded seriously challenged in every way. The Hafler which was close behind also easily beat it along with Kenwood, Sansui, Bedini, Sumo, etc. Nothing out there could match the speed of the Meridians, though. Immediate first impression was as if the record was sped up a bit.