Shakeydeal ...
A Conn Yankee long haul truck driver gets lost down south and shouts out on his CB .. can anybody tell me if I'm in LOUIS-VIL
A local shouts him back .. yes you are but it's pronounced LOU-E VIL
The Yankee says well it's spelled on the map like LOUIS VIL
The local says pull over and we'll go in that eatery and ask the girl behind the counter how it's pronounced and the loser buys
They pull over and go in and the Conn Yankee walks up to the counter and says to the girl ... please tell me where we are and say it very slowly
The girl behind the counter looks the Yankee in the eye and says ,,, Bur----ger ------King
A Conn Yankee long haul truck driver gets lost down south and shouts out on his CB .. can anybody tell me if I'm in LOUIS-VIL
A local shouts him back .. yes you are but it's pronounced LOU-E VIL
The Yankee says well it's spelled on the map like LOUIS VIL
The local says pull over and we'll go in that eatery and ask the girl behind the counter how it's pronounced and the loser buys
They pull over and go in and the Conn Yankee walks up to the counter and says to the girl ... please tell me where we are and say it very slowly
The girl behind the counter looks the Yankee in the eye and says ,,, Bur----ger ------King