You should really contact Andy Payor at Rockport to see what he recommends both for power requirements and what he likes with the Aviors. Personally I wouldn't do anything until I heard them with my CJ gear and then go from there, which is probably what you're doing. If you like the CJ sound it's a little hard to think you'll like ARC or VTL, which in my experience are not as warm or romantic sounding as CJ gear. But then again who knows? I really liked the VAC idea mentioned above -- perhaps a nice middle ground between CJ and the others you mentioned. You probably know Andy uses Gryphon solid state Class A amps pretty extensively to voice his speakers (I think they may be his favorite amps), but I'm sure he must use some tube amps as well so would be interesting to see what those are just for reference. I heard the Altairs with some big Boulder Class A amps and the sound was pretty damn nice.
Anyway, fwiw and best of luck with your high-quality problem -- and congrats on a great pair of speakers.
Anyway, fwiw and best of luck with your high-quality problem -- and congrats on a great pair of speakers.