What amps do Electrical Engineers own...why?

Not being an engineer, I would like to know what the electrical engineers in the crowd own for amps and what engineering features made them choose that amp? As a lay person, I don't know enough to be able to differentiate good engineering from good marketing.
Which ever amps have the BEST specs.
Not in the case of this EE. IMO the proper (and necessary) role of specs is to allow one to identify and RULE OUT from consideration candidates that would be poor matches to either the surrounding components (for example, due to impedance incompatibilities, gain and sensitivity mismatches, etc.) or to the user's requirements (for example, how much power is needed to support desired peak volumes).

I chose my VAC Renaissance 70/70 MkIII amplifier because of VAC's reputation for outstanding sonics and exceptional build quality; their exemplary approach to dealing with and supporting their customers; because my previous amplifier experiences had me convinced that the kind of sonic richness and dimensionality I was looking for tends to be a forte of well designed tube amplification; and because of what I perceived to be a recognition among many listeners whose opinions I particularly respect that well implemented zero feedback designs utilizing directly heated triodes such as the 300B tend to have a certain magic about them.

Also, the cost of this particular amplifier, purchased used, was comfortably within the bounds of what I wanted to spend. Its physical configuration and appearance were significant factors as well, especially given that my system is in my living room.

-- Al
Another interesting item in this same vein. Back in the day, one of the Big Three Audio magazines ran a monthly article, interviewing and showing the Stereo systems owned by major world class musicians. I guess nowadays it would be called 'Systems of the Stars' Now that was an eye opener!
"Which ever amps have the BEST specs."

How do you define best specs? Specs on audio equipment are notoriously inaccurate. There's no accepted standards by which to rate components. One companies 50 watts is another companies 100 watts. Going just by specs, a Sony receiver from best buy has better printed specs than most high end equipment.
I am an electrical engineer and I don't believe being one as had any effect on what I have used as equipment. I basically by equipment based on how they sound, not on any design principles. I have had many tube amps and only 2 ss amps but now have a pair of switching monoblocks because they sound better then any other amp I have owned. I also was a recording enginner for many years and what we did in the studio was based on our ears
"what we did in the studio was based on our ears"

Well, that explains a lot.