12-22-12: Charles1dad
No NFB and DHT tubes is a very solid foundation to build with. Has it meet your expectations?
Yes, I continue to be delighted with the amp, particularly since I upgraded the stock 6SN7's to Sophia Electrics. Some vintage Sylvanias I tried were also excellent, slightly less revealing although perhaps a bit more euphonic with some recordings. I have no plans to upgrade the VAC-supplied Chinese 300B's, especially considering that there are 8 of them :-)
12-22-12: Don_c55
I am an electrical engineer and very,very few other EE's that I know have much interest in high end audio, they are mostly skeptical of improvement over brand name audio. They are not wealthy and would not spend big bucks on audio.
A point worth keeping in mind is that the same could be said of the general population.
Newer EE's are digital educated unlike those from the analog era. Only ancient EE's know tubes.
Very true IME. My perception has been that most EE's coming out of school in the past couple of decades or so, and who work as circuit designers, usually have very little knowledge of any kind of analog design, much less tubes.
-- Al