What amps do Electrical Engineers own...why?

Not being an engineer, I would like to know what the electrical engineers in the crowd own for amps and what engineering features made them choose that amp? As a lay person, I don't know enough to be able to differentiate good engineering from good marketing.
hi arh:

as a an owner of tube amps, why did you go to a non-tube amp?

is it a class d ?? if so, what is the brand name ? i have listened to several non tube amps , i.e., class d and analog switching amps, and i found that they did not sound like a tube amp. I was not impressed. I even heard a hybrid class d, and still preferred tubes.
Role of Specs in purchasing decisions of EE
I agree with Almarg. The poor specs indicate the amplifier which probably will perform poorly in one or another areas of the amplifier performance. On the contrary, good specs indicate only the POTENTIAL of amplifier to sound nice under desired conditions (e.g. difficult to drive speakers). Will it be so or not - one must hear it to decidefor himself if designer has realized these potentials
As an EE, I like good specs but at the same time I recognize that the way we humans perceive sound is something that cannot be ignored! So instead of going for the usual bench specs (which were mostly created 40-some years ago and mostly ignore human hearing rules) I look for that which might allow the gear to more closely obey human hearing rules.

Being pragmatic, I am of the opinion that if we did not have ears we would not mess with audio equipment. IOW, the human ear is the most important thing in audio. All too frequently though I see its requirements swept under the carpet in favor of the Emperor's New Clothes, the bench spec.

So I run tubes as much as I can. And no feedback, as much as I can. But I run into a lot of EEs that don't seem to understand how important the human hearing rules are; they seem to quite often have a $600 solid state amp that sounds terrible. You can be an EE and still be fooled by made-up stories!
Sspecs were once very important in audio, and still are in EVERYTHING else. I remember back in day when brands like McIntosh were considered high-end. If memory serves me, they would send techs around to your home every so many years, to bring the amps back up to factory SPEC, for the life of the amp. This was back when this was a REAL hobby. NOW, it's just a status thingy to a lot of people and the sellers / makers are just meeting a demand in the market. Just make it look a certain way and cost enough to keep the lower classes out, then declare specs irreverent! It's how it sounds that matters. And they don't even have to make any claims as to how their stuff sounds, the marks, errrr , I mean, the buyers do that for them. It's the perfect setup!! Only in audio!!!!.
Are you suggesting these EEs with bad sounding amplifiers can`t 'hear' that they`re bad or that they don`t care as long as the specs are good?How can anyone buy audio components(presumably to enjoy music) and not judge them based on how they sound? Or is what`s horrid to you may be good sound to them?