Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
I'm not insulted by lowball offers, but I do wonder about outrageously low offers within minutes of a posting with a low price (eg, 40% off an item listed at the lowest price ever on the 'Gon). Kind of weird: does the buyer expect the seller to panic within minutes?

It is another matter, when an item has been up a month or two, since there is some indication that the market will not bear the asking price. At this point, I think it perfectly appropriate to offer a "would you consider" reduced price, and I sometimes do this myself.

Perhaps the trigger happy lowballers could exercise a bit of patience; that way, they wouldn't seem so ridiculous, and they might find a deal.

Getting low offers are more frequent than ever. Maybe that could explain the inflated prices you see on Audiogon lately.
What's the big deal - if you don't like the price just don't sell it and ignore the offer!
Can't justify a buyer offering hundreds less, especially if the seller is asking a reasonable price for his item. If you truly want something, just offer the full price and you have secured it for yourself. On the other side of the coin I have noticed that some sellers are asking a ridiculous amount of money for their gear as if they were trying to retire tomorrow. Right now there is a McCormack DNA-1 with silver upgrade, the seller is asking over two thousand dollars for it. A few years back I was selling those for $900.00 to $1200.00 plus shipping.

This is just an observation on my part and truthfully a seller can ask any price he or she wants, don't mean you will get it. Or possibly as I stated above the selling price was inflated so when low offers come in the seller will get exactly the amount they secretly had in mind.
If someone is selling a second hand, 10-year-old amp that they used for 5-years for 50% off current list price, and I offer them 70% off current list price is that a low-ball offer?

I'm guessing they paid 50% list off when they bought it used. They must have gotten some use out of the amp over the past 5 years they owned it. Obviously my assumptions could be wrong, but I think they are pretty close. In any case, if they think my prce is too low, they do not have to sell it to me.