Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
I do not follow your logic. The car dealer will make the sale to the customer that results in the greatest revenue to him/her, and does not care the income or net worth of the buyer.
Not clear on the rant about the doctor, but honestly, hi-end audio gear is pretty darn non-essential. Nobody is "owed" some arbitrary amount for this stuff. And the high-disposable-income-guy certainly has no obligation to overpay for these luxury items.
I'm amazed at what some people think 10 year old CDP's (with 10yo transports) are worth. Meridian 508.24's for $1300? Laughable. I bought one (used) here 6 years ago for $1100 (sold it a week later for the same price, BTW)
But hey, buyer beware. Remember the little jar of rocks that you put on a table in your listening room and "was a game changer!" and Audiogon ran their ads! I lost a lot of respect for admin here after that point .....

It's an old adage that the way the rich stay rich is to spend as little as they can thereby keeping most of their money. Just human nature to see how little a person can pay for something. Not condoneing lowball offers, thats just the way it is.
Knghifi, I thought I saw car mentioned somewhere. It doesn't take a study to know that a lot of the rich are that way due to sacrifce. The poor made as much money but lived beyond their means. Poor credit should mean more for the borrower to pay back, but in my case the guy with bad credit was getting a lower final purchase price than me. I used to buy new Mustangs every 2 years. The dealerships do whatever they can to get a sale, but should not give someone else not as worthy a better deal just because they think I'm a lay down. They found out when I went elseware. I got lots of better offers then, but it was too late. The 3rd week of January is a very good time to look for a new car because it is the slowest (or one of) month for car sales.
The car dealership has to lower the price for people with slow or bad credit in order to get the person approved for the loan, so that person was offered a lower price than I was offered in order for the dealership to make the sale. I went elseware to make my purchase. Dealerships make money selling money, not cars. They told me this although I already knew that. Nothing wrong in trying to bargin. I've never and will never pay retail for anything. I'll just walk away. Most people won't though. I'm just against lowballers thinking they can get whatever they want for next to nothing. The only reason I've ever financed a car was to get a lower sales price. As soon as I get the first statement I pay the loan off. If I can't, I'll just go without.