I do not follow your logic. The car dealer will make the sale to the customer that results in the greatest revenue to him/her, and does not care the income or net worth of the buyer.
Not clear on the rant about the doctor, but honestly, hi-end audio gear is pretty darn non-essential. Nobody is "owed" some arbitrary amount for this stuff. And the high-disposable-income-guy certainly has no obligation to overpay for these luxury items.
I do not follow your logic. The car dealer will make the sale to the customer that results in the greatest revenue to him/her, and does not care the income or net worth of the buyer.
Not clear on the rant about the doctor, but honestly, hi-end audio gear is pretty darn non-essential. Nobody is "owed" some arbitrary amount for this stuff. And the high-disposable-income-guy certainly has no obligation to overpay for these luxury items.