Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
3 out of the 4 cars I bought were for cash. The loan companies hate people that don't finance or pay off early. I now have a mint condition SLK 230 Benz 2001 with 6,375. originals on it. It should last me the rest of my life and gets 22cty 32-33 hwy. Like I said most dealerships make money selling money and the last week or end of month is best because the salesmen have quotas to meet in order to receive a bonus. The person with poor credit will make up for it with a higher interest rate, but should not get a better bottom line price than someone that is responsible.
The person with poor credit will make up for it with a higher interest rate, but should not get a better bottom line price than someone that is responsible.
One simple explanation is the poor credit customer is a SUPERIOR negotiator. The dealer does't care who got a better deal but they made PROFITS on both deals.

When you include financing in a transaction, one needs to compare the total including all the accrued interest and not just the sale prices.
The person with poor credit will make up for it with a higher interest rate, but should not get a better bottom line price than someone that is responsible.
I have 2 rusted Yugos with no engine that I want to dump. One sold for $50 and the other for $1000000. Should I lose any sleep which buyer got a better deal?

Caveat Emptor and the best consumer is the educated consumer!
I can get and did get a better deal on the last Mustang GT I bought but I went elseware to get it and got the better price since I took cash with me. 2007. I sold it almost 3 years later while it was still certified and sold it outright for 18K, invested half of it into my stereo and the other half in gold. Drove my minivan for a while then dumped the gold and added the money to my 18k and ended up with no money into the Mustang. I am an educated consumer @ 58 and retired when I was 49, so there isn't much I have to beware of (except the sound of solid state) Now I have a Benz Komperssor with 6,380 miles on it that will last me the rest of my life. 4 Mustangs in 8 years was enough for me, but it was at least a little fun.
Sellers are also being ridiculous. I have seen a few amplifiers that didn't sell. When they were re-listed, the asking price was higher rather than lower than the original. A rational person would then offer a percent off the ORIGINAL asking price.
Do these sellers think we are stupid and don't do our homework??? Even with an expired listing, you can find the original by doing a google search.