Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
The person with poor credit will make up for it with a higher interest rate, but should not get a better bottom line price than someone that is responsible.
One simple explanation is the poor credit customer is a SUPERIOR negotiator. The dealer does't care who got a better deal but they made PROFITS on both deals.

When you include financing in a transaction, one needs to compare the total including all the accrued interest and not just the sale prices.
The person with poor credit will make up for it with a higher interest rate, but should not get a better bottom line price than someone that is responsible.
I have 2 rusted Yugos with no engine that I want to dump. One sold for $50 and the other for $1000000. Should I lose any sleep which buyer got a better deal?

Caveat Emptor and the best consumer is the educated consumer!
I can get and did get a better deal on the last Mustang GT I bought but I went elseware to get it and got the better price since I took cash with me. 2007. I sold it almost 3 years later while it was still certified and sold it outright for 18K, invested half of it into my stereo and the other half in gold. Drove my minivan for a while then dumped the gold and added the money to my 18k and ended up with no money into the Mustang. I am an educated consumer @ 58 and retired when I was 49, so there isn't much I have to beware of (except the sound of solid state) Now I have a Benz Komperssor with 6,380 miles on it that will last me the rest of my life. 4 Mustangs in 8 years was enough for me, but it was at least a little fun.
Sellers are also being ridiculous. I have seen a few amplifiers that didn't sell. When they were re-listed, the asking price was higher rather than lower than the original. A rational person would then offer a percent off the ORIGINAL asking price.
Do these sellers think we are stupid and don't do our homework??? Even with an expired listing, you can find the original by doing a google search.
To Crwindy's post

I've seen sellers do the same thing. They will re-list an item higher than before. My theory is they are trying to catch people who don't visit the site frequently. I remember a seller selling a preamp starting at $600 then it went to as low as $250 when the listing was able to expire. Then after it ended a new listing started $700.

To me there is some gamesmanship now with buying and selling here. There are sellers that want as much money they can get and there are some buyers who want a deal or pay as little as possible. I'm sure there is some wiggle room with both parties but the buyer is going to try and see what they can get away with first. It's part of the game. Heaven forbid someone pay fair market value.

I haven't sold here in awhile but before when I listed at what I thought was fair MV from researching I still got some headscratching offers.

For me. If I see if something I like I'll put in an offer based on how much I want or am able to pay. If the seller doesn't like my offer then they can decline it.