Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter

OK I'm in the process of looking at a way to clean up my AC power. Like everything else there are tons of options. From my reading I have narrowed it down to Hydra, Bybee, and PS Audio. The PS Audio sounds nice in that it will regenerate "clean" power. I have heard people rave about the Hydra and Bybee V2 and I see they have the Stealth now.

Anyone have any experience they can share? My amps are 300B tube monoblocks. My front end is DAC and Music Server.
Slik, do not do power conditioing on the cheap. Dedicated lines will do more for you than any Chang. Looking over your beautiful rig: I would not let a plug of yours near a Chang. Your system deserves dedicated lines and a serious PC. Your system will sound even better. HNY
Here is a quick overview of my equipment. I removed my profile because I moved from Germany and I am just settling into a new house with a new music room.

4 dedicated 20 amp circuits + 4 Maestro outlets

Octave Jubilee preamp with outboard voltage rectifying power supply, also serves as power filter

Octave MRE 130 (140 watts) mono amps with Super Black box = super black box is high capacitance outboard power supply, serves as power filter and AC power boost for the mono amps

Aesthetix IO Signature phono amp/one power supply

Copulare amp and equipment rack stands

2 SME V arms/Benz LP S/Benz Ruby Z/Transrotor Merlo MC/Goldring MC

B&W Nautilus 800 speakers

Subs: B&W Nautilus 850 15" sealed sub-ZSU Research 15" sealed sub

Turntable: Transrotor Apollon TMD/80mm platter/3 motors/2 arm mounts/Transrotor Konstant M3 outboard motor controller
(estimated weight 120lbs)
Clearaudio MontBlanc turntable stand (250 pounds)

Silent Wire reference EU Shuko power cables/for Octave gear/220-120 volt stepup-up/down-power isolation transformer for Octave gear

AC Cables: Shunyata Anaconda - Black Mamba and assorted Neotech

Power Filter strips: Isotek(220 and 120 volt versions)

Krell SACD Standard

Nordost (preamp to phono amp), Silver Breeze (phono), Neotech copper IC's with silver WBT's, and Audioquest Sky (Krell to preamp)

I think that about does it. I will post a generic pic sometime in the future.

I have also been on the power conditioner train. I have tried Ps audio, Equi-tech, Shunyata and Audience. None of them made my system any better. It didn't sound worse just not better. I decided to put in dedicated lines and better power cords. I still can't say my system sounds better. One thing that made a huge difference was changing my pre-amp. That made my system much more Involving. I would say before you spend thousands of dollars on power conditioners look to the weakest link in you're component chain and change that. I also recommend the cable company for their loaner program.
Taters, I totally agree with your assessment. I could never understand the AC hype until I heard the Plasmatron. I had a friend who wanted to do an audition of AC tweaks and letting curiosity override skepticism I participated. We compared the PT against the Bit 20, a very credible product if one believes the press, and the difference was like a good tube preamp to a cheap ss unit. Now, not every system was as dramatic in comparisons. This system had 2 dedicated lines, TAD Reference, Ypsilon preamp Synergestic cables and has been a system as good as I have heard. Will the PT have this effect for you? I don't know. I just recommend you try to hear one and why not a Bit 20, what works for one-------
Best Wishes for the New Audio Year, Jallen