Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.

I'm now in the final iteration for my system - and thank the pundits in this forum to help me out - i run a 30wpc Class A SS amp which doubles as a 140 Watt per channel class a/b amp - i found this amp after a long and tiring search going through the likes of Naim,Pass Labs,Ayre,Rogue Audio etc.

I am not in the vicinity to try out the devores, and it has to be pretty much a blind buy.

I am very worried, as online reviews can be very misleading - some say, these speakers are tremendously revealing (i listen to a lot of not so cleverly mastered music) plus a lot of modern stuff, and my source is almost always a Mac mini played through Antelope Zodiac DAC, with occasional vinyl here and there, other say that it's 'an open window' to music - since i have no way of going back? can you guys advice or share with me your opinion if you are a silverback owner? my amp has a single tube manifest with geranium and bipolar transistor (more of a solid state amp).

My Current speakers were a pair of Monitor Audio Platinum (which i got rid of last week) i found them bright, a bit unrefined and a bit musically showy, with a lot of listening fatigue, on of the worst speaker i have owned, i also owned Harbeth SLH5 (which was ok, but not great)

I loved my amp with Kharma DB9 (which it drove fantastically well) unfortunately i can't afford this or the DB7 though now i hear Magico's will be releasing their S3, which is more in by budget, but prefer to have the Silverbacks and pocket the extra cash.

The thing is i do not know what kind of technology devore employs, compared to more larger, technologically superior manufacturers, though
the design might stand the test of time, i do not want the trouble of reselling the devotes, and going through the hassle of buying something else.

Please Help! I play everything form Dizzy Gillespie to Michael Jackson to Scottish Chamber Orchestra.
Some excellent advice above for the OP. I find John to be very helpful, although he is a small operation. My guess is if you tell him what amp/preamp you use, he will give you some insight. I believe he has experience with solid state, and perhaps he can sort it out a bit for you. Certainly listen for yourself though. My guess is O's will sound better in some rooms, with certain amps, for certain tastes. Then of course, the same could hold true for the Silverback's.
Rugby1 thanks a lot buddy i am definitely in favor of the SB after reading your for
Charles1dad..I was not pinpointing or scrutinizing your thoughts
I was merely communicating and your thoughts are always welcomed..
As for
Chayro, I should say less as this is the case in most forums there's always a misfit or "smarter-than-thou" lurking around..anyway thx for adding color to the forum.

Please do no deviate from the OPost, as many others
Who may be in similar situation, as for buying a plane ticket
How can someone be simple-minded in considering such a first degree thought! Ha!
I believe the Silver back speakers will enhance your system and serve you
well. Just curious, have you ever considered the Acoustic Zen Crescendo ?
It's another highly regarded speaker of similar size, price and load
efficiency of drive.
Dear Charles1dad,
Thanks a lot i will check this out too! - but i am quite convinced with all the replies here that silverback will be a good choice especially after the update.