what would you change if anything, in this set up?

here is my set up- Wondering if this all seems paired correctly to you guys and if there is any particular area I should consider to improve the set up. I am happy with the sound in general but sometimes I feel like it's lacking gain on the digital side of things (no issues with gain on vinyl AT ALL) and in general I feel it can lack the WOW factor I'd hoped for. I listen to a range of old and new rock: (Beatles/Stones/Radiohead/Tom Waits/Amy Winehouse

Integrated amp: Ayre AX-7E
Source 1: Turntable: Pro-Ject RPM 5.1 w/ Ortofon 2M blue cartridge
Source 2: MacBook Pro via USB to DAC
DAC: BelCanto 1.5 (connected via unbalanced RCA to int. amp)
Phone stage: Sutherland PH3D
Speakers: Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand Symphony SE (connected w/ 'Transparent' speaker cable)

About 15x15
Wall opposite speakers is mirrored.
Wall to right of speakers is glass floor to ceiling.
Area Rug

Any general advice on speaker placement is also welcome. I have them approx. 6' apart, on either side of a fireplace. Slight toe-in. Speakers are about 10' away from my listening position.

Ok-that's it-
Thanks in advance for any input.
Well, you can't do much about the glass wall, but that's obviously going to affect things considerably. If it were up to me, I'd think about ways of putting a blind or curtain on that side, one that could be retracted as needed to enjoy the good view and light but then closed at least partially to give some sound absorption.

Can't comment on the digital stuff (I'm mostly a vinyl guy), but if you're able to make some changes, and you're playing a lot of vinyl records, you might think about switching to a more resolving cartridge. Lots of opinions out there on carts, but I like the Dynavector line. Others will chime in with their favorites. The Sutherland phono stage should be fine for cartridge upgrades.

I'd also be thinking about a quality subwoofer. You're a rock music guy, and you'd likely appreciate the bass (and increased soundstaging) provided by this move. See if you can get a dealer to loan you one so you can try it out.

Finally, room permitting, you might want to spread the speakers more than 6 feet if you're sitting 10 feet back.

Good listening to you.
There's a couple of things that stand out. You mention that your digital sound is lacking. Generally speaking, it usually is. In your system though, you may not have matched your components. Your Ayre doesn't have an active preamp. Given its price, I agree with Ayres decision no to go active, but you have to be very careful with your sources. Not having enough gain, like you mention, is probably the reason you are not getting your "Wow" factor. (Just to note, you don't really describe what you mean by wow factor, but I'm pretty sure that I understand. Also, I own Ayre equipment myself and it delivers the wow factor for me. At least what I think is the wow factor.). If this is the issue, theres one thing you can try that will be the best chance of confirming or ruling out you digital front end as the problem. You can try the matching Ayre 7 CD player or the Ayre 9 DAC. Those products are meant to work together and you'll know right away if this is the problem.

Other than that, your room may be a little small, and its square. Thats not optimal but its something you can work around with a little effort. Also, some of the other posters are bound to have all but a nervous breakdown, when they see that you have a whole wall of mirrors. The upside to that is if you turn your chair around, you'll still get a nice centre image of your stereo. If not, you may want to put something on that wall.

Understand, though, that all of this is just me guessing as to what your problem may be. In the end, what ever is done has to please you; not me or anyone else. You can expect to be doing a lot of experimenting to resolve this issue.

One thing you may want to try right away, is to move your system to another room, temporarily, just to see how it sounds. If it makes a big improvement, you are probably going to be best off trying to fix your room first. If not, your best bet may be to try a different digital source.
i echo the comments about a sub, whch can add a tremendous amount of impact. I too have the 2m blue and really like it, but I know there are better cartriadges for $450-$900 which will be better in every aspect. As for your room, try to cover the glass and mirror with curtains. Also widen the distance bt your speakers and increase toe in further so the tweeter is aimed directly at your ear. Keep your ear at tweeter level if possible.
How much space do you have from the back of the speakers to the wall behind them?