Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.

I'm now in the final iteration for my system - and thank the pundits in this forum to help me out - i run a 30wpc Class A SS amp which doubles as a 140 Watt per channel class a/b amp - i found this amp after a long and tiring search going through the likes of Naim,Pass Labs,Ayre,Rogue Audio etc.

I am not in the vicinity to try out the devores, and it has to be pretty much a blind buy.

I am very worried, as online reviews can be very misleading - some say, these speakers are tremendously revealing (i listen to a lot of not so cleverly mastered music) plus a lot of modern stuff, and my source is almost always a Mac mini played through Antelope Zodiac DAC, with occasional vinyl here and there, other say that it's 'an open window' to music - since i have no way of going back? can you guys advice or share with me your opinion if you are a silverback owner? my amp has a single tube manifest with geranium and bipolar transistor (more of a solid state amp).

My Current speakers were a pair of Monitor Audio Platinum (which i got rid of last week) i found them bright, a bit unrefined and a bit musically showy, with a lot of listening fatigue, on of the worst speaker i have owned, i also owned Harbeth SLH5 (which was ok, but not great)

I loved my amp with Kharma DB9 (which it drove fantastically well) unfortunately i can't afford this or the DB7 though now i hear Magico's will be releasing their S3, which is more in by budget, but prefer to have the Silverbacks and pocket the extra cash.

The thing is i do not know what kind of technology devore employs, compared to more larger, technologically superior manufacturers, though
the design might stand the test of time, i do not want the trouble of reselling the devotes, and going through the hassle of buying something else.

Please Help! I play everything form Dizzy Gillespie to Michael Jackson to Scottish Chamber Orchestra.
Hi Jet,
Well the Silverbacks made a favorable impression on you, they must be quite special. Jules Coleman(former reviewer for 6 Moons) loved this speaker with his Shindo W.E. 300b SET a few years ago.
Are you considering these Devores for your system ? Have you also heard their Orangutan models as well?
The Silverbacks would be too big for our listening room but if we moved to a
larger space where these speakers would work, they would be a serious
consideration. As you made reference 8-10 watts should work well for them. I
heard them being driven by big McIntosh SS amps the dynamics punch and low
end left me with my jaw hanging open. I would love to hear them with 8 to 30
tube watts to see what they were like.

I have heard the Orangutans with Shindo gear in a totally different room. Very
different speakers from the Silverbacks but I don't think I can comfortably
render any real comparisons since the rooms and electronics were so different.
With Shindo gear the O/96s are extremely rich deep tactile sounding speakers.
With Mac SS gear the Silverbacks were dynamic and lightning fast with
believable depth and gravitas. Its clear they go way down toward 20hz.