2013 Wish List

What's on your 2013 (audio related) wish list?

Anyone done for a while?
Instead of the mac mini, now considering the Olive One to form the basis of a music server. Hoping for the advantage of not having to tie up my computer as much and lower overall cost.
Glefihi I hate to rain on your parade, but I heard 2 of the more expensive Olive systems in a good high end system, Krell electronics and Kef Blades. I am afraid I was very disappointed. I thought the sound poor, flat in dynamics and stage depth, no life at all. I went for a MacMini into an Ayre QB9 and could'nt be more pleased
Accuphase C-2420 preamp

Accuphase A-46 amp

new interconnects from amp to preamp (Accuphase)

new speaker cables (not sure which brand, probably Neotech)

that's it for now. I've been thinking about upgrading the turntable and cd player too, but both of those run with the big boys.