Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high


I have a Ref 5 feeding Jadis JA100 monos into HH Eufrodites.
Already at very low volume setting levels, the sound is high.
For example, at volume setting 3, the sound level is ~65 db, at about 3 meters from the speakers and my listening room is big.
It doesn't bother me, I just wonder if I get the best out of the preamp at this low volume setting.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Hifigeek 1 ,question about the gain for both the REF 3 and 5 , as you have the schematics you know the gain can be increased in the REF 3 by soldering a 499 ohm resistor parallel to R9 and R10.Could the original resistor be changed by a higher value to decrease the gain ?And is the schematic in the REF 5 the same at this point ?It would always be a better solution than lowering the the gain only at the CD input .Increasing the gain for all inputs is an official technical note from ARC ( the mod should be done at an authorised ARC dealer )
This is not something I normally do so you would have to contact the factory. Changing the overall gain of the line stage could change the sonic character as well. The other issue involves changing the overall gain for those who play vinyl and have separate phone stages. Since you would have less gain in the high level stage that could cause a gain issue depending of course on the cartridge you use, speaker sensitivity etc. There is no easy solution. To cause the least amount of sonic damage, changing the gain on the CD input may be a better option.
Would some thing like this work?

Nice speakers! I`d really like to hear those hornings one day. These speakers are quite efficient and you have more system gain than you require.

I had this problem initially (my speakers are 94 db at 8 ohms)with my linestage having 20 db of gain.Could`nt go pass 10 oclock volume setting for most recordings(too loud). I had the builder lower the gain to 10 db and things have been fabulous since(ultra low noise floor).Lowering the gain in your ARC preamp will solve your problem.
There is a misunderstanding here. The Horning need a hi-end system. Aresearch/Jadis is for speakers muffled, that need to be scratched to put some detail on the outside, like Wilson.