Small but high quality integrated

Looking for a small size but high quality solid state integrated to drive Castle Stirling II speakers--91db efficient.
These are really great speakers built in Skipton England and I am looking to make a large upgrade from a Rega Brio R.
I have no more patience for many boxes, cables, power cords etc.
Any input is greatly appreciated.
The Hybrid martykl is referreing to, must be the Inpol2, pure Class A. It really is excellent. It's been my main amp for 3 years, but small it is'nt. Unfortunately some of the very best amps are'nt small. You would have more choice if small was'nt crucial.

I have had a number of amps and would add the Lavardin IT, just a wonderful grain free, really transparent amp. You could be listening to a SET.

Nowone mentioned Accuphase or Luxman, both built like tanks and great SS sound. The Accuphase 350/ or new 360, or the Luxman 507, might be just what you need.
I am in fact trying to sell my Inpol2, but in the UK and looking to Luxman. The UK importer says the 507 is the sweet spot in the range of Class A/B amps, clearly better than the 505 and not far behind the much more expensive 509
You don't mention your budget but the little Jolida 102B is a nice inexpensive intergated ~ 20 watts per side-using the extremely sweet sounding EL 84/6BQ5 output tube. There are some factory and after market upgrades for it also.
Most of the amps I mentioned above (except the M6i) would kick the butt of the Luxman & Accu. Luxman are made in China now & the Accuphase e-350 has no power. SET's sound lovely, but I always think it's wise to have more power than you need as inevitably audiophiles upgrade to bigger and better speakers.
Luxman L-505u/Luxman L-507u/Luxman L-509u were all made in Japan with Japanese produced parts. The new Luxman L-505uX it says made in Japan but looking inside the new Luxman 505uX there are many China made parts.

CEC AMP 3800 CLASS A (70WPC) Very nice sounding amp.
Also small but high quality integrated.