Manley Stingray question

Hi Folks,

I have been far removed from audio world for about a year and a half. I learned I was going to have my first child, so money got scarce. Well, he learned to crawl about two weeks ago, and now every time I look at my amp I see shattered tubes and a crying kid in its future. I am thinking of selling it. It is a first generation (I think) Manley stingray, with ul and triode switches, sub out, and loop/rec out/in. No headphone amp, I-dock, or remote. I bought it new on audiogon about three years ago for, maybe, $900? I was looking at prices and they seemed way high, even for the older model that I have. What happened? Is my sleep deprived brain forgetting what I paid for it (quite possible)? Did something change that I am missing? Thanks for any info.
What may have happened, just a guess, is that Manley pretty much doubled the prices of new units when they launched the Stingray II and Stingray (?? the one with the iPod dock on the front), so used prices jumped accordingly. I bought and sold a used newer Stingray last year in the $1500 range.
Great amp, btw.
Other mitigating factors are that Audiogon fees have gone up while the value of the dollar has gone down.
I doubt that you paid $900 three years ago. Even then they were selling for $1200+.