Manley Stingray question

Hi Folks,

I have been far removed from audio world for about a year and a half. I learned I was going to have my first child, so money got scarce. Well, he learned to crawl about two weeks ago, and now every time I look at my amp I see shattered tubes and a crying kid in its future. I am thinking of selling it. It is a first generation (I think) Manley stingray, with ul and triode switches, sub out, and loop/rec out/in. No headphone amp, I-dock, or remote. I bought it new on audiogon about three years ago for, maybe, $900? I was looking at prices and they seemed way high, even for the older model that I have. What happened? Is my sleep deprived brain forgetting what I paid for it (quite possible)? Did something change that I am missing? Thanks for any info.
:) Thanks, I am thinking about how to manage it. 9 month olds are pretty amazing in what they can get into, though, I can't imagine what happens when he learns to walk! Thanks for all the replies.
Your recollection of your purchase price is not far off. About three years ago, I had hte opportunity to pick a Stingray up off of Audiogon for a seller from Long Island, NY, for about $950. However, I passed on it because I had other pressing audio needs. Wish I had bought the darn thing. smh
You did not buy it therefore it did not sell for that price. The Stingray is one of many products I have followed for several years and $950 was never the going price for a Stingray in proper working order and good cosmetic condition.
I'm not going to go back and forth with you. I know what my conversation with the seller was, but I must be wrong because you were there.