Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Rectangular Solid Core®

A solid, extruded conductor with a rectangular cross section. This technology is a TARA Labs exclusive.

Rectangular Solid Core® interconnects and speaker cables have become the reference standard for reviewers and serious audiophiles the world over due to their extremely accurate, neutral and frequency linear performance.

To understand the principle behind RSC® technology, it’s necessary to understand a phenomenon known as the “Skin Effect.” This principle states that in a round conductor higher frequencies will tend to travel towards the outside (or skin) or the conductor, while lower frequencies tend to be concentrated at the center of the conductor. The larger the diameter of a round conductor, the worse the effect will be, resulting in a significant roll-off of high frequencies in large gauge conductors.

Because of its rectangular cross section, an RSC conductor essentially has no center like a round conductor. Therefore it does not suffer the same high-frequency losses. It is the only conductor that is able to combine high current-carrying capability with extreme frequency linearity across the musical spectrum.
This is the Generation 2 conductor's found in all but one Tara Labs model cable's, The Tara Lab's GrandMaster Evolution interconnect has the brand NEW just introduced Generation 3 conductor's, The RSC Gen 2 (SA-OF8N) Conductor

Super Annealed, Oxygen Free, Eight Nines Copper (SA-OF8N) is the new standard in high performance copper purity.

TARA Labs Rectangular Solid Core® conductors are completely produced in the USA. We start with Oxygen Free Eight Nines Copper (99.999999%), and the copper rods are extruded into long, unbroken, mono-crystal copper rectangular conductors. The conductors are extruded into a unique rectangular shape having specific ‘frequency-tuned’ proportions. Rectangular Solid Core conductors are annealed with a process known as Super Annealing™.

Super Annealing™ or SA, softens the RSC® conductor and increases its conductivity. After annealing, the RSC conductors are polished in-line, and will become finished SA-OF8N® Rectangular Solid Core conductors ready for insulation using advanced polymers or liquid-film technology.

TARA Labs has continuously advanced the design and materials used in its conductor technologies. Previously, in our lower priced consumer grade cables, we were limited to the use of 6N, or six-nines (99.9999%) pure copper and the OCC or Ohno-Continuous Cast copper technologies.

Since the development of Rectangular Solid Core, we have moved beyond these lesser quality materials with the use of higher purity copper and our exclusive USA technologies.
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I wanted to share that my info has come from personal E-mails from Tara labs, and of course their web-site, I have had a long personal relationship with Tara Labs, no I do not work for them, no, I am not a dealer, though that would be good, however, in my exsperience, Tara labs is the forefront of all cable design, magnetic condution is fair, only takes you to a place that is an illusion of this is it, when anyone can afford to get to best available, then this is the one stop shop, the science behind what I have personally listened to is mind blowing, do I have such cables, LOL!, No, however, I do own some very good Tara cables that sit 3rd in the model line up, all this is sytem dependent, but tara labs web-site provides a server sytem that provides a match, atleast a very good choice on given equipment, and an answer to what cables one may need, may not be exactly accurate, but this is far and away better than any other company out there, no one does this on a web-site any where, cheers to all, I have enjoyed all that I have done here!