Reason for selling is...

I'm always amused that sellers bother to give reasons why they're selling their gear. Obviously in the vast majority of cases, they don't like it in their system. But only a very tiny minority will say that. People are (1) moving; (2) downsizing; (3) upgrading; (4) getting a divorce; (5) undergoing surgery.

Look, just assume buyers aren't stupid. We know why you're getting rid of stuff. If you haven't lied about the condition of your gear, do us the courtesy of letting us decide independently of your reasons for selling, which all seem to be designed to reassure us that your stuff isn't bad.
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I must be missing something in the audio listening experience because I don't have reference or "absolute sound" of what those excretory items actually sound like. Where can I hear a demo for future reference?
When ever presented the question I reply with - "Thats how I make a living"

Good listening
