Need advice - EL34 switchable Ultralinear/SEP

Anyone can recommend a switchable Ultralinear / SEP (or SET) mode, preferably EL34 output type power amp.

I plan to have this amp mated with a passive preamp (Lightspeed Attenuator) or Conrad Johnson PV-10 and speakers between Magnepan 1.7 (for Ultralinear mode) and Zu Omen Standard (SEP or SET mode).

Not sure how much power is needed for Magggie 1.7, but I would imagine that in the north of 35W in ultralinear mode would be needed. Another concern is 5 ohm impedance make me think if there is such amp out there.

Price range - up to $3000 used/new
Wilsysnet - If I recall correctly one of the Agoner also mate Music Reference (RM-9 I think) with Lightspeed Attenuator with great result on his high sensitivity speakers. He passed away a few years back.
Do you already own the Maggies? I had 1.6's for a few years before going to
low powered tube amps and high efficiency speakers. I would buy the best
pair you can afford such as Zu, Audiokinesis, Sonist, Vaughn, Coincident etc.
I use Electra Fidelity SEP el-34 amp with the Lightspeed and Vaughn Cabernet
speakers. Talk to Tony at Electra Fidelity(Clio09 here on Gon). He is honest and
a wealth of knowledge and experience. I have listened to his Atma-Sphere S30
and Music Reference RM-10 which are also great amps. Good luck.
A couple of people mentioned the Cary V12. That really is a great amp. Another amp that is worth mentioning is the Quicksilver V4 mono's. They're very powerful and sound incredible.
ditto on the Cary v12. Get the r version with upgraded caps if possible.
I love mine on my avantgarde duo's.
Is it just me or shared with others - 12 output tubes seem to be too many for a stereo power amp. Tube cost is quite high and more things may go wrong. For Cary V12 owners and others who own amplifier with lot of tube (> 6), what are your experience with such amp? Am I worrying of nothing?