Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?

I have listened to PMC speakers (GB1i, FB1i, OB1i) with various integrated (Bryston B100&135, Simaudio 340i, Krell s300i, NAD M3) and was not closed to being satisfied. So I have decided to splurge a little to get Pass Labs integrated. Has anyone tried Int-150/30A or their amp version (x150.5/XA30.5) with PMC FB1i? What's each combination like?

Seems like many people match OB1i with Int-150 but am curious to hear what PMCs sound like with the Pass Labs Class A setup...

I will be using NAD M51 as DAC.
By the way, did you also change the speakers too? I remember you have 1007Be.

I haven't yet as I need to get the electronics figured out first. Yes that's correct I have Focal 1007Be's and looking to go to the Diablo's but not sure. Still looking to pull the trigger on a pair of Xa100.5's and perhaps an XP-20. I was hoping to find a one box solution but it is looking like that is not going to happen.

Hi Chuck,
I know you mentioned INT30A bottomed out on your 1007Be. If you're looking at Diablo, would it be possible to wait until after the speaker upgrade to try out the amps, particularly XA30.5? Many people commented XA30.5 is sweetest sounding of XA.5 series if the speakers are efficient enough (I wouldn't know because I only have experience with XA30.5). Your experience on INT30A maybe due to its not being as "powerful" as or relatively lack of control compared to XA30.5. I understand INT30A amp section is the same but a combo like XA30.5 + XP-10 or XP-20 should be much better than amp + volume control (sharing power supply, capacitor size, etc).

I'm saying this because I had 1008Be and now 1028Be with the same XA30.5 and even at very loud level, the amp stays in class A. My room is 18x25. Besides, I do not think XA30.5 + XP-10 would give up anything Diablo has to offer if source and cabling are up to the task. More importantly, it's much less money and boxes/cables than XA100.5 + XP-20. If the speakers are Scala though, I wouldn't want anything less. BTW, Focal announced there might be a Scala II (I was also told it is not possible due to important changes to the cabinet).

But of course I don't doubt XA100.5 monos will outperform XA30.5 stereo in any way.

I have thought the same thing that the combination of amp (xa30) and pre-amp (xp10/20) might provide more drive than the integrated is capable of.
