Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Regarding your comment: “everyone has to know that the Grandmaster is NOT for most system's,it is for system's that is capable to allow the Grandmaster perform to full potential.” I am not sure if that was directed at the Audio Exotics system that was used for the comparison between the Tara Labs GME and the Vertere Acoustics HB cables.

Well, I am not sure if you have been following AE. They pursue the best sounding gears irrespective of cost - most of their components are cost-no-object designs, and they call a spade a spade, no buls--tting. If you are inclined to know more about them, just talk to Miguel of Tripoint Audio.

Below are some of the components in the AE system. If these are not the best or some of the best in the world to allow the Tara Labs GME cables to perform to their full potential, then I don't know what you are up to.

Cessaro Horn Acoustics “Liszt”
Robert Koda “Takumi K-15” Preamp
Wadax Audio “Ultimate Phono” Preamp
Trinity Electronic Design Dac
Trinity Electronic Design PC
Trinity Electronic Design Preamp
Trinity Electronic Design Amplifiers
The Lars Monica Zetterlund Preamplifier (Tube)
The Lars “Type 2 Monoblock Amplifiers” (Tube)
Amati 845 Parallel Single-Ended Electron Amplifiers (Tube)
Zanden Audio Choku Amplifiers (Tube)
Tripoint Audio “Emperor Master Reference Ground Station”
Tripoint Audio “Emperor AC Station”
JMF Audio PCD 302 Power Line Filter & Distributer
Wave Kinetics Turntable
Durand Telos Tonearm
Thales Simplicity II Tonearm
Miyajima Laboratory “Madake” Cartridge
Vertere Acoustics Reference Tonearm ($35,000.00)
Vertere Acoustics RG-1 Reference Record Player

Cabling (Interconnects/Power/Grounding): Goebel Highend, Vertere Acoustics, Dalby Audio, Tripoint Audio
well I thought about what has been said, I let it go, I wanted to see how far some would take it, really, I'm supprised!, first off, I know that the new Tara Labs Evolution line cables are the best available in the industry,I knew controversy is publicity, so why not let you say a little of what you know nothing about!, I will say this, who ever, or what ever you got all this info was very dishonest with you, their are many that want's to do what they can to discredit Tara Labs, and all that has been said here about some other cable was liked better than the mighty Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution turn out to be a joke, nothing more, to all that can read, this is a prime example of what I am talking about, furthermore, when I said that I get my info from personal exsperience, and personal e-mails from Tara Labs, and the web-site, I was no kidding,Tara Labs does not make an evolution line phono cable, the phone cables listed below are from the original zero model line,like the zero gold analog I/C, and the Omega Gold speaker cables, also, Tara labs has never made a usb cable!, I already knew all this before hand,you don't have to take my word for it only, so here is the supprise!

Mar 18 at 5:12 PM

Dear Keith,

Per your inquiry, TARA Labs does not produce any sort of USB cable at this time. And certainly not a Grandmaster Evolution USB cable. It is possible in the future, we would consider a USB cable, but certainly not a Grandmaster Evolution model. In addition, the only phono cables available from TARA Labs are the Zero GX phono cable( for med-high output phono cartridges) & Zero LX phono cable(low to med output phono cartridges) phono cables. Regarding the Grandmaster Evolution cables and the currently available models, there is the Grandmaster Evolution interconnect, Grandmaster Evolution speaker cable, Grandmaster Evolution AC power cable.

Thank you very much for all your support of TARA Labs cables through the years!”

Devon Scott

Vice President

Here is many world wide publication's and owner comments Of some of the different Tara Labs Evolution model cables line, BTW, is a few diferent models, not to be confused with one or two cables, The


unlike anything you've heard or imagined


"I've heard nothing like it," (Zero Evolution interconnect & Omega Evolution Speaker cable)

– Michael Fremer / Stereophile 2014 Recommended Components

“ … the new, finally flexible Zero Evolution takes the sound to another level of liquidity, transparency, and limitless high-frequency extension.”

– Michael Fremer / Stereophile Magazine 2014

“Best speaker cable I’ve ever heard!” – YK Chan / Audiophile 2014 magazine Hong Kong

“I think this is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard from a speaker wire” – HIFI Shou / Chen 2015

“The most beautiful sounding speaker wire; TARA Labs Omega Evolution” – HIFI Shou / Chen 2015

“Air Evo transients are sharp edged and fast, as fast as any cable I've come across.” - Marshall Nack / Positive Feedback Issue #77, 2015 (Air Evolution interconnect)

“The TARA Labs Air Evolution Interconnect with EVO Floating Ground Station is advertised as completely neutral and absolutely revealing with high frequency and airy detail that is not found in comparable audio cables." It is certainly neutral, revealing, and loaded with detail” - - Marshall Nack / Positive Feedback Issue #77, 2015 (Air Evolution interconnect)

“The bottom line is TARA Labs new Air Evolution cables are out-sized performers and offer a big bang for the buck. Highly recommended without reservation for those shopping at this price point.” - - Marshall Nack / Positive Feedback Issue #77, 2015 (Air Evolution interconnect)

"The imaging within the soundstage is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c andso is the purity and clarity of the sound. I wish every cable in the high end audio industry imaged like that. The mids were tonally brilliant and seamlessly extended to pure and soaring highs. Triangles, flutes or blazing horns had both romanticism and bite, both emotions and technical perfection” - Listopad / 2014 MJ (Air Evolution)

“I was blown with the soundstage that was rendered by the cheap TARA Labs cables. Realistically proportioned, with width and depth without any restrictions, totally fluid in its expanding wholeness – simply breathtaking in this category of products.”- Listopad / 2014 MJ (TL Series)

Stereophile Magazine 2014 Recommended Components Fall Edition

"TARA Labs Zero Evolution: $18,000/1m
The Zero Evolution is an all-new, physically flexible, easier to manage air-dielectric interconnect than the original Zero with†non-insulated rectangular solid-core conductors. Because neither end of The Zero Evolution's shield is attached to ground, TARA employs the Floating Ground Station, a heavy, black box containing Ceralex, a combination of ceramic materials and metallic compounds that absorbs RFI and EMI. Switching from the original Zero to the new Evolution Zero, MF's system benefited yet further from an enormous addition of lushness, texture, and warmth, along with major extensions of air, detail, and transparency. Due to The Evolution Zero's ultrawide bandwidth, some outside transient noise can leak into the system when nearby appliances are activated. But—"I've heard nothing like it," he declares, adding "a genuine breakthrough, though hideously expensive. The TARA Labs Evolution Zero had a fast, clean, open overall sound, with airy highs and tight bass. The Evolution upgrade adds the rich, textured midrange of the Stealth Sakra, while continuing to produce faster attacks, longer sustains, and deeper decays, said Michael Fremer ." (Vol.29 No.12, Zero;Vol.34 No.6 WWW, Zero Gold; Vol.36 No.11, Zero Evolution)".

Omega Evolution - “the best speaker cable I've ever heard”– Y.K. Chan /”Audiophile” Hong Kong, 2014

Comment by Audiocrack from Whatsbest forum:

“The new physically flexible TARA Labs Omega Evolution, incorporating almost twice as many rectangular, solid-core "8 Nines" oxygen-free copper elements, adds the speed, transparency, dimensionality and, especially, textural suppleness….”

After my first post on the WBF I have been silent about the Tara Labs grandmaster evolution loudspeaker and interconnect cables because I wanted to break them in and learn more about them while doing so. I believe they are more or less played in by now and after some changes to my AC I believe I am in the position to make a final judgment. I am even more amazed and impressed now than I was at the time of my first post. These cables are so transparent and dynamic it is almost frightening. Furthermore, they present a huge soundstage, in particular the depth is unbelievable. Yesterday evening I played inter alia an old EMI recording of Shostakovich symphony no. 6/11, conducted by Paavo Berglund (beautiful recorded BTW by recording engineer Stuart Eltham), on my Forsell/Koetsu coral stone/Kondo step up/Zanden 1200 mk III (on the latter I used the special EMI curve) phono combination. The soundstage was phenomenal in depth. The stringtone was oh so sweet and at the same time the micro details in the recording were brought alive so easily and beautifully; I have never heard this recording sound so impressive before. In short, the Taralabs grandmaster cables are by far the best loudspeaker and interconnect cables I have ever experienced in my audiophile journey of more than thirty years. I urge everybody who is in the position to do so to give these Taralabs cables a listen: they are imho phenomenal. – Audiocrack

Comment found on Audioshark forum

"TL Grand Master Evolution ultra high end cables
Okay guys. Non-believers in the cable side of this hobby please hit the back button immediately. Last week I received Tara labs new grandmaster evolution speaker cables and interconnects. These cables are definitely at a price point that only a handful of people would consider. Just a little over 100 K for a 3 m set of speaker cables and a one and a half meter interconnect and a 1 m interconnect….

The only thing I will say is wow. Out of respect for my other cable manufactures i do not want to go into much detail at this time …..

I know this is a truly crazy amount of money for cables. But could the performance increase possibly be justified? For the people that can afford it I will say a very big yes.

Additional Comments from Whatsbest forum

About two weeks ago I received the new Taralabs grandmaster evolution (6 ft) loudspeaker cable and Taralabs grandmaster evolution (1,5m) ic cable. These new top of the line cables are not yet officially launched by Taralabs. However the word spread rapidly that the Grandmaster evolution cables are something extraordinary and they can be ordered, although the availability is restricted (partly because it takes quite some time to produce them). Being a music lover and audiophile for more than thirty years I have learned the hard way that a lot so-called break through products do not live up to the expectations. And although I was a little skeptical that the new grandmaster evolution would outclass my taralabs omega gold and zero gold cables, after talking several times to Matthew Bond and Devon Scott I took the jump. Boy, what am I glad that I did!

Having listened to them for about 50 hours I can say the following: the grandmaster evolution cables are by far the best loudspeaker and ic cables I have ever heard. These cables sound on the one hand very calm/serene but are on the other hand the most dynamic cables I have ever experienced. Furthermore they are very refined (velvet) sounding with a huge soundstage (deep as well as wide) but at the same time with a focus that exceeds easily all other cables that I am familiar with. Probably as a consequence of the great extension of the grandmaster evolution cables they also give you the impression that the soundstage is larger in height without making the players and instruments larger than they are. For example, the distance in height between various players in a large orchestra can be noted easily. Talking about an inky black background and transparency: the grandmaster evolution excels in this regard.

Additional Comments from Whatsbest forum

If I am informed correctly, the new Taralabs evolution line (situated directly below the top of the line grandmaster evolution cables) is right now being tested and reviewed by one of the leading audio reviewers. So if you find my great enthusiasm hard to swallow, wait for this review and find out if there are other people who are as impressed as I am.

Top notch products never come cheap and the same applies to the Taralabs grandmaster evolution line. So probably some WBF readers will jump on the issue of pricing and will be very critical. I am not going to react to this and can only advise the following: try to give the grandmaster evolution cables a serious listen. They are phenomenal imho.
Here is the intro Tara Labs Evolution interconnect, the afforadable bottom of the new Evolution model line,this I/C comes in two different types, Extentended Bandwidth or controlled Bandwidth, Air Evolution w/Evo HFX grounding station - 1.0m/3.3ft

Extended Bandwidth - Interconnect

The Air™ Series and air-tube™ technology from TARA Labs has been at the forefront of audio cable design for nearly 20 years. The Air 1 Interconnect was The Absolute Sound ‘Product of the Year’ and has been one of the best-selling high-end audio cables of all time.

Now TARA Labs proudly introduces the Air Evolution™ Interconnect that provides phenomenal performance and a Capacitance figure of only 4 pF per foot. This means that the Air Reference has more than twice the high frequency bandwidth of the famous Air 1 Interconnect. Of course the construction uses a minimal amount of dielectric material and a pair of the Rectangular Solid Core™ conductors.

The sound of the Air Evolution is completely neutral and absolutely revealing with high frequency and airy detail that is not found in comparable audio cables. There are two versions of the Air Evolution. The higher priced Air Evolution also includes our HFX Floating Ground Station System.
•All new air-tube™ design
•Controlled geometry for stable electrical characteristics
•Teflon and Aero PE filament ensuring a high percentage of overall air dielectric
•Each channel is a twin axial
•Each channel uses a RSC Gen 2 conductor for separate positive & negative runs
•Anti-corrosion coated copper shield
•Extremely transparent, detailed, open & revealing
•Fine resolution of fine detail
•Image outlines clearly defined, life-like imagery
This is a new speaker cable from Tara Labs that only uses one cable per channel, instead of two per channel, I am not sure if Tara Labs has ever made a one cable per channel cable before?, I can say that in my 25 years exsperience with Tara Labs, I have never seen or heard of a speaker cable produced before like this from Tara Labs, this is one of the only cables I have not had a chance to listen to yet, if any of you out there has exsperience with this cable, please give your impression's of the sound to all of us here,cheers. Making Sense of …. OMEGA CX Speaker Cable

The TARA Labs OMEGA CX is the first controlled bandwidth speaker cable from TARA Labs that uses a balanced Inductance and Capacitance conductor arrangement. While Tara Labs high end speaker cable normally feature separate conductor paths for the positive and negative runs, to make one channel, the OMEGA CX is an integrated conductor configuration with positive and negative runs in one cable per channel.

The balanced Capacitance and Inductance measurements for this cable make it appropriate for wide bandwidth amplifiers and loudspeaker applications. The OMEGA CX is especially recommended for systems with a tendency towards harshness or high frequency glare