Amp Recommedation

Hi, I am planning on upgrading my amp section. Currently I am running an Adcom GFA-5300. So far this is my amp choices:

Emotiva XPA-200
B&K Reference 200.2
Classe CA100

Keep in mind that are my choices so far but not limited to. If you have any other amps recommendation, feel free to add.

I am looking an amp somewhere in the 100w per ch at 8 ohms. Thhanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
What is your budget? Will you consider tube ampss? Any particular style or characteristic of sound you favor?
On top of Mechans excellent questions, are you planning on keeping the Adcom preamp too? Would you consider having an integrated amp replace both your Adcom amp and preamp? If so, what is your budget?
I was going to ask you to identify your speakers until I looked at your system. So just a thought: Have you posted this question in any of the DIY forums where people might have a better concept of you speakers and therefor be better qualified to address speaker amp synergy.
Upgrade your preamp first. It will make a much bigger difference. Tube or SS is fine. Use whatever you like better. Definately go with a preamp first, though.