Integrated amp: Can it perform equal to separates?

I need to downsize to lessen moving expenses. Want ot find an integrated amp that can possibly perform equal to separates. Currently have a Bel Canto PRe3 line stage and a pair of Red Dragon M-500 digital monoblocks. I am also getting out of analog, and want to have just two pieces of electronics, that is, an integrated amp, and a CD player.

I need at least 100-150 RMS. Don't need any special features on the integrated that is, theater processor loop or inboarded DAC. Can spend up to approx $2100 for a USED and VGC integrated?? Thanks, Jim
The Audio by Van Alstine Synergy Integrated Amplifier would be perfect and it sells new for $1799.00.
Thank you to all have responded. Your suggestions were helpful. I wish I could answer each one individualy. Nevertheless, Thanks!!
My first reaction as a previous Pre3 owner is to say keep it. Unless you're moving without shipping any goods it won't ad much to the move. I have regretted parting with mine many times. It was used with quite a few amps, many of the class D, with excellent results.
Of course now I am using an integrated amp for ease, but really not that much simpler than when I had the Pre3 running.
The amp the Pre3 replaced was the Bel Canto eVo2i which I would recommend with one caveat. Make sure BC still supports it. In your price range though, I'd recommend a used Unison Unico SE. Plenty of power and in your price range. Good luck, a shame you're leaving the islands.
TO Timrhu, Thank you for your response. I agree with you, BC PRe3 is the best pre-amp I have ever owned. It really would not cost much much to ship to California. I just would like to have less boxes; I downsized before, but did not get the same quality of sound larger system I sold. The main shipping expense will be the Adagios which weigh 90 lbs each and are big. I bought them used from a guy who lived in Wisconsin and it cost $525.00 to ship to Honolulu. The turntable should be easy to sell and my phono pre-amp. Are the BC eVo2i and Unison Unico SE integrated amps. I think the Unison is. I really want to get a better amp than the Red Dragon mono blocks, and just have one box. They are good amps, but again too many boxes.

******* The islands are great, but for me they got old very fast. It is great to see college age ladies walking down the street in bikinis, but I love Southern California.
The Pre3 had that elusive property of the straight wire with gain IMO, absolute neutrality. The class D amp that worked best with it for me was the Bel Canto Ref500S. I had the stereo version, not the mono blocs. I also had a pair of mono blocs which used the same modules your Red Dragon amps use but the Bel Canto bested them in my system.
Also tried using my Resolution Audio cdp without the Pre3. The RA has a very good analog volume control but I preferred the sound with the Pre3 in place.