Einstein The Tube vs Audio Reaserch REF5

I am seriously considering only these 2 preamps for my set up Tannoy Westminster + Manley NEO500 + McIntosh CD1100(it has preamp section already)in near future.Einstein Mk1(now used 2650euros)Mrk2(4000 euros)Mrk3(6000 euros) or AR ref5 used (6000 euros).I heard Einstein mrk3 and it was orgasmic experience,awesome bass,never heard it in my system before(that was with McIntosh2301 + McIntosh cd1100 which I had for a try for couple of days,but too expensive for me so Iam purchasing 1 year old Manley Neo500 for a lot less + cd1100,maybee late I will switch to 2301's).I still don¨t know about preamp though.Ithink I would not go wrong with any of them,but visualy I like Einstein better.Any thoughts?
Yes,I would consider Manely preamp.I will be using xlr cables McIntosh and Harmonix.Tommorow I am going to the studio to get McIntosh cd1100 which has preamp section,but I have heard almost the same set up only with Einstein preamp and that was so much better then with preamp in cd1100 but it was also satisfying if not compared side by side.
BRF.Yes and no.We had a session with 2
McIntosh 2301 in my house,they are very powerfull 300w per channel.We listen loudly,big room,at no time ontheir meter showed 250w and in a moment when more instruments and big tympani joined very dynamic musical collage it jumped suddenly to 300w and that extra power was great,it handled these dynamic changes with ease,no distortions just beautifull music in concert level,our jaws dropped to the floor.Listen The Enid - live in Hammersmith,song one and you will know what I am talking about,starts slowly but the climax is ... oh no words for it.
It seems strange a 98 db sensitive speaker would draw that kind of power. Is this speaker`s sensitivity rating accurate?I`ve heard speakers this sensitive go well over 100 db SPL with 20 watts in good sized rooms.This room must be huge.
I now own The Tube MkII. I have no idea that there is a MKIII version.
Anyway the Einstein has bass that was prodigious. Much better than the Nagra PLL, First Sound, Ayre K1xe and K5xe I once own. It really shines especially on acoustic instruments portrayal.