Adcom GFA 555 versus Rotel RMB 1095for stereo

I own both the above amps. Would I be better served to use the 2 channel Adcom for stereo , or the 5 channel Rotel ?.

I'll add my own "qualification" to my first response. I sincerely hope your health concerns improve, and at least don't impact your ability to enjoy your rig.

Frankly speaking, the first response was indeed the correct one - and good advice; lacking the knowledge that experimenting isn't practical. It sounds like you are now receiving guidance from folks experienced with your amps.

Further, no apologies needed for the "old man ploy" as many of us audiophiles are nearly there if not exactly there. I've instructed my kids that when my age prevents me from other activities they should park me in from of my rig with a remote and I'll be happy. It's the great thing about music.

Happy listening!
Thanks everyone for you responses. I did take the advise of getting a young guy to help me with the setup. I ended up keeping my default setup which included the Rotel Rmb 1095 for movies, and the Oppo BD 95 using the dedicated unbalanced 2 channel outs for the right and left input of the 7.1 analog . While I was about it I connected a pair of XLRs from the dedicated outs from the Oppo and connected to the CD input on the Marantz AV 7005. I did this to be able to choose the Audyessy setup for comparison . It sounds good both ways to me . I did try the 2 channel Adcom with its 200 watts per, I found it to be as good as the Rotel but certainly not better . The fact that I lean towards 2 channel leads me to believe that I should get a better 2 channel only amp .
Crowy how far are you from Roanoke, VA?
I am selling a couple and shipping is cheap.
Wanna maybe try a couple just for giggles?
Maybe next year then. That distance would be a bit high.
We plan on making a move to a more politically in synch region.
(The Bible belt is becoming more and more toxic with me daily.)
Best of luck!