$5000.00 To Spend Looking for Tube Pre-Amp

Hi All,

Im lookign at the following:

CLS Line Stage
Used Audio Research
Used Atma Sphere

Any other recomendation? This is for my bedroom setup, Will be running them on Tube Amp and SS Amps Swapping them about.
Im glad you find it all funny, I thought all 3 amps were using caps in the signal path. Thats why i asked which one.
What about a ModWright LS36.5 or a Rogue Athena.Either can be bought for under 5K new.And very nice sounding.
Dragon_vibe, you are getting the same recommendations from the same set of characters pushing their pre in all the threads. Everyone is more organic, detail, musical, bass ...

Are you going to start another thread for a pre in the bathroom, garage ...? I think you have enough info in making an intelligent decision for a pre in every room of the house, office ... LOL!!!
Maybe one for the toilet lol

Iv settled for the CLS. Now im looking for Tube Amplifiers and Speakers. Might Consider the Tannoy Kingdom but lots of recomendation for Salks so will need to research.