The Audio Research Reference 10 is here $30k

The Audio Research Reference 10 is here. $30k is the entry fee. Check it out in the link below.
My guess is the Reference 6, 7, 8, and 9 will show up as single chassis preamps. The dual chassis preamps will be numbered 10 and up.
["We have learned a few things in the last 2-1/2 years, and the improvements are immediately apparent. Included are critically chosen new components, proprietary custom-made capacitors, wiring, and new connectors that cumulatively provide a level of performance never before achieved. Key design traits remain"]

Capacitors, wiring, and new connectors? Really, that's it?

I don't have anything against this company or its success. I'm sure they've been one of this industries oldest mainstays for a good reason. I find their marketing and product ramping intervals at the very least, interesting. I'm thankful I'm not drawn to their house sound.

There should be some really sweet deals coming up this year on pre-owned Ref Anniversary models. I'm starting to save my scratch right now for one.
Uh, I wonder if I could trade my pickup straight across for this new sonic marvel? This hobby is becoming way to expensive.