The Audio Research Reference 10 is here $30k

The Audio Research Reference 10 is here. $30k is the entry fee. Check it out in the link below.
How I understand it from several people who have worked there is that the ARC internal company policy is a 90-day product release schedule. IOW every 90 days there is supposed to be a new product replacing an existing product somewhere in the lineup.
AR has 22 products. Replacing four products a year puts them right at a five year update for each existing product if the schedule Atmasphere mentions is adhered to. That sounds very sensible to me.
I will just plod along with my used REF2 MKII

One day I will sell it and upgrade to a used ref3, maybe even a ref5 if its further down the road.

I listen mostly to rock though, and from what I have read the Ref2 was on the bass heavy side, so I worry that getting rid of it might be the wrong direction in my situation?
No_money, .....when the time comes that you can swing the Ref3, get it. It is head and shoulders over the Ref2 Mk2. You will love it. I had the Ref2 Mk2 and loved it...once I got the Ref3, it was a game changer, and I'm still surprised at how good it is. No worries, you will still get your bass in spades.