Pass XA30.5 vs Bat VK60

Has anyone compared the sonic differences between these 2 amps. Without stating the obvious the Bat is tubed and the Pass is SS. I have a Bat VK60 now and was thinking of switching to a Pass XA30.5. Everything I have read about the Bat says they are more SS sounding and the Pass is more tube sounding. The reason for the switch is I have a Pass XP20 preamp and Pass XP15 phonostage( XP25 phonostage is on order). Just thinking all Pass might give me best synergy. My speakers are Reference 3A Episode's( 90db, 6 ohms) very neutral and revealing. Any input would be great.
Thanks for your response Thesoundhouse. As I posted in my thread the speakers are Reference 3A Episode's. 90 DB sensitivity and 6 ohms.
I would listen to both the XA 30.5 and the X 150.5 both amps sound great but have some differences but I cannot comment on what those differences are because I do not know how your speakers will interact with either amp. Generally speaking the XA 30.5 will have a more controlled sound and will be a little more emphasis on the midrange over the X series. In my big system I have a pair X 600.5 with a XP 30 and a XP 25 with a pair of TAD reference One s. I tried both the XA 160.5s and X 600.5s. The X 600.5 are more to my liking. I listen to a huge variety of music. In my smaller system I have an INT 150 but also tried the INT 30 and I like the INT 150 over the INT 30. I like the more dramatic dynamic sound of the Pass Labs X series over the XA series.
I have had the XA100.5, 60.5 and 30.5. I loved them all. XA 100.5 was my favorite. But now I play with the X250.5. To be honest for the money this is the best. I prefer it over the XA30.5. It is a little more compleet. Wenn you play many different kinds of music it has some advantages. Most of the time I play class A. Wenn you want to play hard you will have more controle and drive over the XA-30.5. At normal volums it is still very musical. In the hig freq. the X.5 series looks a little more detailed. A sharper focus over the XA-series. With both series you never can go wrong.