Prefered 300B tubes for Canary Amplifiers

I'm the owner of a Canary 306 300B amplifier. The stock tubes are EH and I'm interested in upgrading to a premium set of 300B tubes. I'm wondering what others have tried and liked and wondered whether the Canarys can accept the XLS designated tubes.
I have owned both the Canary ca301 mk ii and now the Canary ca339 for many years.
The eh gold grid 300b's made a nice sonic difference over the regular eh 300bs for not significantly more money.
I would try the gold grids before spending stupid money on some of the more expensive 300b tubes.
Additionally, changing out the stock driver and input tubes to some good nos tubes makes a much bigger difference in that amp than anything you would do with 300bs in my opinion.
Change the 12ax7 to a nice telefunken and the 6sn7s to sylvanias or rca's and you have taken that amp to a whole diff. level without touching the 300b's.
Besides, I think that amp was actually designed around eh 300bs.
My amplifier's stock tube was the EH Golden Grid and it is a solid 300b.It in

no way compares to the better tubes mentioned here, not even close.
Stupid money is obviously a personal opinion. The Canary is hardly an
inexpensive amplifier, why not consider a premium tube to get the most
from a worthy design.The 300b have a pretty long life span (my SET is very
easy on these tubes, 25 watt dissipation).It's an individual choice, in my
case there's zero regret. The Takatsuki is indeed worth every cent for the
stunning sound quality it provides. It is truly one of the best audio
purchases I've made.Others are certainly free to agree or disagree. I bet
there're very few who have actually used one of these superb 300b tubes
and and wouldn't do it again in a heartbeat. Sure driver tubes make a
difference but the better 300b tubes can improve your sound very
significantly. To each their own.The Takatsuki, Sophia RP and I'm sure the
EML can honestly transform the performance of a well made 300b .Every
single time I use my amplifier (which quite frequent and for long sessions) I
am rewarded with the sheer beauty and natural presentation the premium
tube yields, how do you put a price on that? That's the entire point of
owning a good 300b amp in the first place.I want the most it has to offer,
well it sure delivers without fail(an understatement).
Charles and I are on the same page, and we can only report our own experiences. When I got my Def 2 speakers, I first tried an EL509, then a 45, then a 2a3, and finally a 300b SET. . . the 45 and 2a3 SET with different manufacturer tubes. The differences were modest and often within the range of reproducibility and were totally dwarfed by the improvement using the Takatsuki TA-300b. "Stupid money?" Perhaps. They are expensive - now 2000USD per pair. (I was fortunate to have sourced mine from Japan a year ago; apparently, this is no longer an option.) However, many A'gon members spend more than that on cables, tweaks, etc. Other than price, the only caveat is that the reports and reviews have always been in either an SET or a PSET amplifier; I have not heard from anyone who has used them in a PP configuration. The Sophia Royal Princess are good second choice at about half the price; I would have been happy with them. . . until I heard the Takatsukis.
The white base and black base Takatsuki ta-300b are a little bit different and is also about $400 usd or so different. Please advice which version were experienced. Royal princess is very nice creating more short term excitement. Both of these 300b often cost more than western electric 300b. Problem with we300b are they often sound different ! I have some sounds better than the 2 mention here and vice versa. I run with an audio note, wavelength and Sophia amp. Sophia princess is only $500 a pair and sevelanta is even less. Both are very reasonable tube to use every day as well.
I have only listened to the white base Takatsuki TA-300b. As far as I know, the black base replaced the white base versions; and the white base TA-300b are no longer made. I have gotten different answers about the differences between them and would be curious if you know any details.