wiring monoblocks to speakers


I am trying to figure this out for a while

What is the best way to wire the MB to the speakers. Long interconnects and MB close to the speakers or the MB close to the Preamp and longer wires to the speakers.

Thanks a bunch!

Sorry, but I don't agree. There was no direct nastiness in Jmcgrogan2's post. His perspective is entirely reasonable.
Yes, but that's because short reponses closer to the OP is always better than long, low capacity responses between posters.
03-03-13: Almarg
There is no universal answer, as it depends on various technical characteristics of the particular components, as well as on the characteristics of the cables, and the preferences of the listener. Those are among the reasons that opinions and reported experiences on this question tend to diverge.

Thank you, Al. Always the voice of reason.