Int amp and Dynaudios

For all of you Dynaudio owners, and there are plenty of you, what is your favorite int amp - dynaudio combo and why? I have focus 220 mk II's currently being driven by a musical fidelity A308 150wpc integrated. Curious to hear what other dynaudio owners are driving their loudspeakers with and why you chose that pairing.
I use Bel Canto Class D monoblocks with mine but for an integrated I would go for a high power Class D design there as well, something like Wyred4Sound or BEl Canto. The more dynamic headroom you can provide Dynaudios, the better.
Not my setup, and technically not an integrated, but is a one box unit, and an excellent pairing with the Dynaudio Focus 340:

Click on the link below:
NAD M2 amp with Dynaudio Focus 340

Crystal clarity, dynamic, open midrange, and solid bass foundation. Just bought an M2.
m2 is an integrated I thought? although one that operates more in the digital domain than traditional. i still need to hear one. definitely where things are heading (and for the better).
No preamp in the NAD M2 so in the traditional sense of an integrated (amp/preamp)it's not that. But in the sense that it is a dac/digital amp it is an integrated of sorts.