450 Pound Monobloc Amplifier

The Boulder 3050 monobloc weighs 450 pounds, 1500 wpc.

A pair of monoblocs weighing right at a half-ton...amazing.

The Pass Labs XS 300 monobloc weighs 300 pounds, 300 wpc.

With all of the advances in amplifier design, does an amp really have to be that big to get the results they're after?

The 1500 wpc D-Sonic monobloc weigh 12 pounds...I love it!
I just bought a Class D Audio SDS440SC. But I've been thinking of building a pair of monoblocs from the Hypex NC400 modules or even Abletec modules if they're available.
I was hoping for some comments about my 3-17-13 post,I really believe what my previous post said!Happy listening!

I don't see a relationship between SACD and Class D amps. Joe listener moving to a Class D amp if desired is a piece of cake compared to what a move to SACD involved. Plus there is a potential significant cost/efficiency benefit to moving to Class D. Moving to SACD just meant more cost and marginal value.
@ mapman, I was stateing that class d amplification is another passing fad like sacd was,and that we all have seen good technology come and go like the way of vhs video cassets and etc...,if class d amplification does not catch on, like sacd,dvd-A,etc... did not!thou these technologys were good,they faded away in the dusk!cheers!
to all those the like class d amps,i say go for it. if and when they prove to be the best sounding of the bunch,then i will look at getting one. in the mean time, im keeping my pass amps and b&k and parasound and odyssey. and my $1,000 jolida tube amp seems to sound very fine also.