
Any thoughts about the synergy between an aesthetix pre and Atma-sphere M-60's. These would be matched with Merlin VSM's. I've been in process of changing my system and am looking for a preamp that has both phono and balanced to go with the M-60's. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks.
Thank you for this advice. Do you think that the atma-sphere phono stage would handle a mm cartridge well. I use a cartridge man.
The Atma-Sphere preamps are very good. They are a great match to any of the Atma-Sphere amps. The MP-1 is superior to the MP-3, as one might suspect. If you get an A-S preamp, follow Ralph's advice and avoid the SUTs.

To address your question, I run an Aesthetix Io Signature with volume controls directly into a pair of Atma-Sphere MA-2 amps. This is a great combination with excellent synergy.